EV Fest Newsletter Signup, Blog & Other Links

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important EV Fest Event Happenings! Sign up today for EV Fest News
EV Fest Blog - Where to find various EV Fest news updates, along with our news page, and out
EV Fest Facebook
Page - may have Special Discount and Other
Follow us on Twitter: @EVFest Show; and @RobertWeekley1!
Tweets about Special Promotions, Electric Vehicle News, EV
Fest News, EV Charging activities, and more!
EV Fest Google Groups - an interactive list that any member
can post to, and all members can see the emails.
If you drive an Electric Vehicle - it would be wise to know where to access charging points if not at home! One
of the better sources is PlugShare at www.plugshare.com! (Now with over 47,000+ EV Chargers Listed!)
Also see the PlugShare Blog!